When an alien group called Zeitgeist shows up at the headquarters of the United Nations to make contact with humans, we have the beginning of a psychedelic science fiction full of surprises and twists. The alien representative is named Hank Rearden, having no defined appearance or sex and changing shape as he wishes. The only interest of the aliens on Earth is cannabis, and in return they offer various knowledge capable of curing serious diseases such as cancer or AIDS. Thus, we are invited to join an adventure that accompanies Chris Werner, a botanist who integrates the task force in charge of interacting and investigating the Zeitgeist group and which is made up of scientists, FBI, CIA, NSA and army. The plot puts the characters in various unusual situations as abductions, persecutions and ayahuasca sessions, revealing, sometimes comically, and in others with much suspense, an intricate plot that holds the reader to the end. Enjoy!
Detalhes do projeto
- Cliente: Carl Loyal
- Data: 2018
- Informação: diagramação e adaptação de capa encomendados pelo autor, Carl Loyal. Ilustrações de Bruno Miranda e Heitor Santos.
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